Thank you for supporting the 2024 Christmas House Tour
Advertising proceeds support faculty-staff appreciation programs, the Upper School Visual Arts Fellowship, and faculty grants, which have in previous years supported pedagogical research, visiting artist stipends, guest speakers, equipment, and technology that enhances the teaching and learning environment of St. Albans School.
To advertise in the printed program, please provide a completed contract and a digital file of
camera-ready art sent to pa.cht@stalbansschool.org.
Deadline for inclusion in the program is November 1.
Note: Unless the location is specified, placement is at the designer's discretion.
Advertising Levels
Describe one of your services

Platinum Plus
2 available
1 available
Describe one of your services
Company logo/link to company website included on Christmas House Tour website
Double inside spread of front cover or back cover in program (if available)
Platinum-level acknowledgment in business directory listing on Christmas House Tour website
10 House Tour tickets
Describe one of your services
Company logo/link to company website included on Christmas House Tour website
Full-page ad in program
Platinum-level acknowledgment in business directory listing on Christmas House Tour website
Co-branded reusable shopping totes; made available to Mistletoe Market shoppers (Qty 500)
8 House Tour tickets

Full-page ad in program
Company logo/link included on CHT website
Gold-level acknowledgment in business directory listing on CHT website
6 House Tour tickets

Half-page ad in online program
Company logo/link included on CHT website
Silver-level acknowledgment in business directory listing on CHT website
4 House Tour tickets

Quarter-page ad in program
Bronze-level acknowledgment in business directory listing on CHT website
2 House Tour tickets